Volume 49 , issue 3$-$4 ( 1997 )back
4th Symposium on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications139--142
Propagation of singularities and related problems of solidification143--150
V. G. Danilov and G. A. Omel'yanov


We discuss some methods for computing the dynamics and interaction of singularities in nonlinear media. We also consider a physical problem (of solidification in a binary alloy), which has some discontinuous limit solutions.

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Keywords: Propagation of singularities, solidification in a binary alloy.

MSC: 46F, 35A05, 35K57

Norm inequality for the class of self-adjoint absolute value generalized derivations151--152
Danko R. Jocić


We prove that for all $0\le\alpha\le 2/3$ $$ \Vert |A|^{\alpha}X-X|B|^{\alpha}\Vert \le 2^{2-\alpha}\Vert X\Vert^{1-\alpha} \Vert AX-XB\Vert^{\alpha}, $$ for all bounded Hilbert space operators $A=A^*$, $B=B^*$ and $X$, as well as $$ \Vert |A|^{\alpha}-|B|^{\alpha}\Vert \le 2^{2-\alpha} \Vert A-B\Vert^{\alpha}, $$ for arbitrary bounded $A$ and $B$.

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Keywords: Singular values, three line theorem for operators, unitarily invariant norms.

MSC: 47A30, 47B05, 47B10, 47B15

$\a$-times integrated semigroups $(\a\in R^-)$153--162
Milorad Mijatović and Stevan Pilipović


The $\a$-times integrated semigroups, $\a\in\R^-=(-\infty,0]$, are introduced and analyzed as extensions of $0$-integrated semigroups.

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Keywords: Integrated semigroups.

MSC: 46F99

On continuity of the Moore-Penrose and Drazin inverses163--172
Vladimir Rakočević


Contrary to the usual inverse of a square matrix, it is well known that the Moore-Penrose and Drazin inverses of a matrix are not necessarily continuous functions of the elements of the matrix. This paper is a short summary of some results concerning the continuity of the Moore-Penrose and Drazin inverses.

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Keywords: Moore-Penrose inverse, Drazin inverse.

MSC: 47A05, 47A53, 15A09

Quasihyponormal operators and the continuity of the approximate point spectrum173--176
Slaviša V. Djordjević


Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space. We write $\sigma (A)$ for the spectrum of $A\in B(H)$, $\sigma_a(A)$ and $\sigma_{ea}(A)$ for the approximate point and the essential approximate point spectrum of $A$. Operator $A\in B(H)$ is quasihyponormal if $\| A^*Ax\| \le \| A^2x\|$ for all $x\in H$. In this paper we show that the approximate point spectrum $\sigma_a$ and the essential approximate point spectrum $\sigma_{ea}$ are continuous in the set of all quasihyponormal operators.

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Keywords: Qusihyponormal operator, approximate point spectrum, essential approximate point spectrum.

MSC: 47A10, 47A53

$L^p$-essential spectral theory of ordinary differential operators with almost constant coefficients177--185
Valeri A. Erovenko


In this paper investigation is conducted of various essential spectra of minimal, maximal and intermediate ordinary differential operators in scale of Lebesque spaces $L^p(a,\infty)$, $1\leq p\leq \infty$, obtained by means of relatively small perturbations of differential operators with constant coefficients of order $n$ by differential operators of the same order, which generalizes the results [1--3]. This makes it possible to prove the new analogons of the classical Weyl theorem of invariance of essential spectrum as well as to obtain the precise formulas for calculating essential spectra of various classes of ordinary differential operators in Lebesque spaces $L^p$. In contemporary mathematical literature a few assertions are known as Weyl's theorem (see, for example, survey [4]). The classical Weyl theorem states that if $A$ and $B$ are self-adjoint and $A-B$ is compact then $\sigma_e(A)=\sigma_e(B)$, where $\sigma_e$ is the essential spectrum of an operator. Generalization of Weyl theorem on various essential spectra for closed operators in Banach spaces and special classes of perturbations is dealt with in papers [5--7].

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Keywords: Essential spectrum, operator with almost concstant coefficients.

MSC: 47A10, 47A53, 47E05

Recent results in the theory of matrix transformations in sequence spaces187--196
Eberhard Malkowsky


In this paper we give a survey of recent results in the theory of matrix transfomrations between sequence spaces. We shall deal with sequence spaces that are closely related to various concepts of summability, study their topological structures, find their Schauder-bases and determine their $\beta$-duals. Further we give necessary and sufficient conditions for matrix transformations between them.

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Keywords: BK spaces, bases, matrix transformations.

MSC: 40H05, 46A45, 47B07

Multipliers of mixed-norm sequence spaces and measures of noncompactness, II197--206
Ivan Jovanović and Vladimir Rakočević


Let $l^{p,q}$, $0

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Keywords: Mixed-norm sequence space, multiplier, Hausdorff measure of noncompactness.

MSC: 30B10, 47B07

On operators in Bochner spaces207--214
Nina A. Yerzakova


Estimates for the measure of noncompactness of bounded subsets of spaces of (Bochner-) integrable functions are obtained, a new class of condensing operators is discussed, and the solvability of a certain operator equation in a Hilbert space is proved.

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Keywords: Hilbert space, regular space, Lebesgue space, Bochner space, Sobolev space, embedding operator, measure of noncompactness.

MSC: 47H09, 46E35, 47B07, 47B38

A note on wavelets and S-asymptotics215--220
Arpad Takači and Nenad Teofanov


The aim of this paper is to analyze the asymptotic behavior at infinity of the integral wavelet transform of somewhat more general elements than $L^2$ functions, namely generalized functions from the space of exponential distributions ${\Cal K}_1'$. We prove both an Abelian and a Tauberian type theorem at infinity for the integral wavelet transform.

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Keywords: Integral wavelet transform, generalized functions, Abelian type theorems, Tauberian type theorems.

MSC: 42C05

Some properties of Hausdorff measure of noncompactness on locally bounded topological vector spaces221--223
Ivan D. Arandjelović and Marina M. Milovanović-Arandjelović


In this note we present some properties of Hausdorff measure of noncompactness on locally bounded topological vector space.

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Keywords: Hausdorff measure of noncompactness, locally bounded space.

MSC: 46 A16, 46A50

Weak topology in locally convex spaces with a fundamental sequence of bounded sets225--227
Stojan Radenović and Zoran Kadelburg


The result of Krassowska and Sliwa [6] about weak topologies in (DF)-spaces is extended to variuos other classes of locally convex spaces with a fundamental sequence of bounded subsets.

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Keywords: Weak topology, locally convex space, (DF)-space, fundamental sequence of bounded subsets.

MSC: 46A04

Besov spaces on bounded symmetric domains229--233
Miroljub Jevtić


We define and study a class of holomorphic Besov type spaces $B^p$, $0 < p < 1$, on bounded symmetric domains $\Omega$. We show that the dual of holomorphic Besov space $B^p$, $0 < p < 1$, on bounded symmetric domain $\Omega$ can be identified with the Bloch space $\Cal B^{\infty}$.

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Keywords: Besov type spaces, dual spaces, Bloch spaces.

MSC: 32A37

New versions of Grötzsch principle and Reich-Strebel inequality235--239
V. Marković and M. Mateljević


In this note we will state a new version of Grötzsch's principle and using this principle we will sketch the proof of a generalization of the main inequality. Also, we will announce some related results and briefly explain that one can use new version of the main inequality to study uniqueness property of harmonic mapping in general. More details will be given in a forthcoming paper.

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Keywords: Grötzsch principle and Reich-Strebel inequality

MSC: 30C75

Simple sufficient conditions for univalence241--244
Milutin Obradović


For a function $f(z)=z+a_2z^2+\dotsb$, analytic in the unit disc, we find $\lambda>0$ such that $|f''(z)|\le\lambda$ implies starlikeness (Mocanu's problem [2]) or convexity. The given results are sharp.

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Keywords: Starlike, convex, subordinate.

MSC: 30C45

On contractibility of the operator $I-t\nabla f$245--248
Vladimir Janković and Milan Jovanović


We study the set $K(f)$ of positive numbers $t$ for which the operator $I-t\nabla f$ is contractible, where $f$ is a differentiable function defined on a convex subset of the Hilbert space ($I$ is the identity operator of that Hilbert space). The set $K(f)$ is interesting for a problem of minimization of strongly convex functions when the method of contractible mappings is applied.

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Keywords: Contractible operator, strongly convex function.

MSC: 26B25

Some convergence rate estimates for finite difference schemes249--256
Boško S. Jovanović and Branislav Z. Popović


In this work we use function space interpolation to prove some convergence rate estimates for finite difference schemes. We concentrate on a Dirichlet boundary value problem for a second-order linear elliptic equation with variable coefficients in the unit 3-dimensional cube. We assume that the solution to the problem and the coefficients of the equation belong to corresponding Sobolev spaces.

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Keywords: Boundary Value Problems (BVP), Finite Difference Schemes (FDS), Sobolev Spaces, Interpolation of Function Spaces, Convergence Rate Estimates.

MSC: 65N15, 46B70

Converegence of a finite difference method for the heat equation---interpolation technique257--264
Dejan Bojović and Boško S. Jovanović


In this paper we show how the theory of interpolation of function spaces can be used to establish convergence rate estimates for finite difference schemes. As a model problem we consider the first initial-boundary value problem for the heat equation with variable coefficients in a domain $(0,1)^2\times (0,T]$. We assume that the solution of the problem and the coefficients of equation belong to corresponding Sobolev spaces. Using interpolation theory we construct a fractional-order convergence rate estimate which is consistent with the smoothness of the data.

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Keywords: Initial-Boundary Value Problems, Finite Differences, Interpolation of Function Spaces, Sobolev Spaces, Convergence Rate Estimates.

MSC: 65M15, 46B70

Some properties of a class of polynomials265--271
Gospava B. Djordjević


In the paper [2], R. André-Jeannin studied a class of polynomials $U_{n}(p,q;x)$. In this paper we consider a new class of polynomials $U_{n,m}(p,q;x)$ and determine the coefficients $c_{n,k}(p,q)$ of these introduced polynomials. Also, we define the polynomials $f_{n,m}(p,q;x)$, which are the rising diagonal polynomials of $U_{n,m}(p,q;x)$.

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Keywords: Fibonacci polynomilas, Pell polynomials, Fermat polynomilas, Morgan-Voyce polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials.

MSC: 33C55

Global existence and asymptotic behavior in time of small solutions to the elliptic-hyperbolic Davey-Stewrtson system273--278
Nakao Hayashi and Hitoshi Hirata


We study the initial value problem for the Davey-Stewartson systems $$ \cases i\partial_t u+c_0\partial_{x_1}^2u+\partial_{x_2}^2 u = c_1|u|^2u+c_2u\partial_{x_1}\varphi, \quad (x,t)\in{\bold R}^3,\\ \partial_{x_1}^2\varphi+c_3\partial_{x_2}^2\varphi = \partial_{x_1}|u|^2,\\ u(x,0) = \phi(x), \endcases $$ where $c_0,c_3\in{\bold R}$, $c_1,c_2\in{\bold C}$, $u$ is a complex valued function and $\varphi$ is a real valued function. The initial data $\phi$ is $\bold C$-valued function on $\bold R^n$, and usually it belongs to some kind of Sobolev type spaces.

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Keywords: Elliptic-hyperbolic system, Davey-Stewartson system.

MSC: 35J45, 35L45

Note on L-A pair for the Kowalevskaya gyrostat in a magnetic field279--281
Vladimir Dragović


In this note we start from Reyman and Semenov-Tian-Shansky L-A pair, in order to get L-A pairs for KG and GCG with magnetic field. The resulting matrices have all the symmetries necessary for procedure of algebro-geometric integration described in~[6].

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Keywords: L-A pair, Kowalewskaya gyrostat.

MSC: 35Q60, 78A99