Abstract In this article we consider
stability of nonlinear equations which have the following form:
Ax+F(x)=b, \tag1
where $F$ is any function, $A$ is a linear operator, $b$ is given
and $x$ is an unknown vector. We give (under some assumptions
about function $F$ and operator $A$) a generalization of
\|A\|\|A^{-1}\|\frac{\|b_{1}-b_{2}\|}{\|b_{1}\|} \tag2
(equation (2) estimates the relative error of the solution when
the linear equation $Ax=b_{1}$ becomes the equation $Ax=b_{2}$)
and a generalization of inequality:
\frac{\|A_{1}-A_{2}\|}{\|A_{1}\|}\right) \tag3
(equation (3) estimates the relative error of the solution when
the linear equation $A_1x=b_{1}$ becomes the equation $A_2x=b_{2}$).