We offer a unified approach to investigate hypertopologies. In this setting the proofs are simple and transparent. New problems are raised.
Keywords: Hypertopology, Bombay hypertopology, hit-and-miss, hit-and-far-miss topology, locally finite, discrete, uniformly discrete family, Hausdorff metric, Wijsman topology.
MSC: 54B20, 54E05, 54E15
Pages: 59--78
Volume 60 , Issue 1 , 2008
Published by Društvo matematičara Srbije Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, P.O.B. 355, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: drustvomatematicara(at)yahoo.com Fax: +381 11 3036 819 ISSN 2406-0682 (Online), ISSN 0025–5165 (Print)