Abstract In this paper we introduce and study the new properties $(ab)$,
$(gab)$, $(aw)$ and $(gaw)$ as a continuation of our previous
article [4], where we introduced the two properties $(b)$ and
Among other, we prove that if $T$ is a bounded linear operator
acting on a Banach space $X$, then $T$ possesses property $(gb)$ if
and only if $T$ possesses property $(gab)$ and $\tx{\rm ind}(T-\lambda
I)=0$ for all $\lambda\in\sigma_a(T)\setminus\sigma_{SBF_+^-}(T)$;
where $\sigma_{SBF_+^-}(T)$ is the essential semi-B-Fredholm
spectrum of $T$ and $\sigma_a(T)$ is the approximate spectrum of
$T$. We prove also that $T$ possesses property $(gaw)$ if and only
if $T$ possesses property $(gab)$ and $E_a(T)=\Pi_a(T)$.