Abstract We introduce strongly primary fuzzy ideals and strongly irreducible fuzzy
ideals in a unitary commutative ring and fixed their role in a Laskerian
ring. We established that: A finite intersection of prime fuzzy ideals
(resp. primary fuzzy ideals, irreducible fuzzy ideals and strongly
irreducible fuzzy ideals) is a prime fuzzy ideal (resp. primary fuzzy ideal,
irreducible fuzzy ideal and strongly irreducible fuzzy ideal). We also find
that, a fuzzy ideal of a ring is prime if and only if it is semiprime and
strongly irreducible. Furthermore we characterize that: (1) Every nonzero
fuzzy ideal of a one dimensional Laskerian domain can be uniquely expressed
as a product of primary fuzzy ideals with distinct radicals, (2) A unitary
commutative ring is (strongly) Laskerian if and only if its localization is
(strongly) Laskerian with respect to every fuzzy ideal.