Abstract A bounded linear operator $T$ acting on a Banach
space possesses property (gaw) if $\sigma(T)\setminus
E_a(T)=\sigma_{BW}(T)$, where $\sigma_{BW}(T)$ is the B-Weyl
spectrum of $T$, $\sigma(T)$ is the usual spectrum of $T$ and
$E_a(T)$ is the set of all eigenvalues of $T$ which are isolated
in the approximate point spectrum of $T$. In this paper we
introduce and study the new spectral properties (z), (gz), (az)
and (gaz) as a continuation of [M. Berkani, H. Zariouh, {\it New extended Weyl type theorems},
Mat. Vesnik {\bf 62} (2010), 145--154], which are related to
Weyl type theorems. Among other results, we prove that $T$
possesses property (gz) if and only if $T$ possesses property
(gaw) and $\sigma_{BW}(T)=\sigma_{SBF_+^-}(T)$; where
$\sigma_{SBF_+^-}(T)$ is the essential semi-B-Fredholm spectrum of $T$.