Two-sided bounds for the complete Butzer-Flocke-Hauss Omega function
Tibor K. Pogány, Živorad Tomovski and Delčo Leškovski
The main aim of this short note is to obtain two sided bounding inequalities for the real argument
Butzer-Flocke-Hauss complete Omega function improving and developing a recent result by Pogány and Srivastava
[Some two-sided bounding inequalities for the Butzer-Flocke-Hauss Omega function, Math. Inequal. Appl. 10 (2007), 587--595].
The main tools are the ODE whose particular solution is the Omega function and the related Čaplygin type differential inequality.
Keywords: Butzer-Flocke-Hauss complete Omega function, Čaplygin type differential
inequality,Čaplygin type comparison theorem, integral representation of the Omega function.