Strongly $I$ and $I^*$-statistically pre-Cauchy double sequences in probabilistic metric spaces
P. Malik, A. Ghosh, M. Maity
In this paper we consider the notion of strongly $I$-statistically
pre-Cauchy double sequences in probabilistic metric spaces in line
of Das et.\ al.\ (\emph{On $I$-statistically pre-Cauchy
sequences}, Taiwanese J. Math 18 (1) (2014), 115--126) and
introduce the new concept of strongly $I^*$-statistically
pre-Cauchy double sequences in probabilistic metric spaces. We
mainly study interrelationship among strong $I$-statistical
convergence, strong $I$-statistical pre-Cauchy condition and
strong $I^*$-statistical pre-Cauchy condition for double sequences
in probabilistic metric spaces and examine some basic properties
of these notions.