Abstract In this paper we consider derivatives of higher order and
certain ``double'' integrals of the
eigenfunctions and associated functions of the formal Sturm-Liouville operator
\Cal L(u)(x)=-\bigl(p(x)\,u'(x)\bigr)'+q(x)\,u(x)
defined on a finite or infinite interval $G\subseteq R$. We
suppose that the complex-valued potential $q=q(x)$ belongs to
the class $L_1^{loc}(G)$ and that piecewise continuously differentiable
coefficient $p=p(x)$ has a finite number of the discontinuity points in $G$.
Order-sharp upper estimates are obtained for the suprema of the moduli of the
$k$-th order derivatives $(k\geq 2$) of the eigenfunctions and
associated functions
$\{\,\overset{i}\to{u}_{\lambda}(x)\,|\,i=0,1,\dots\,\}$ of the operator
$\Cal L$ in terms of their norms in metric $L_2$ on compact subsets of
$G$ (on the entire interval $G$). Also, order-sharp upper estimates
are established for the integrals (over closed intervals $[y_1,y_2]\subseteq
\overline G$)
in terms of $L_2$-norms of the mentioned functions when $G$ is finite.
The corresponding estimates for derivatives
$\overset{i}\to{u}_{\lambda}'(x)$ and integrals
$\int_{y_1}^{y_2}\overset{i}\to{u}_{\lambda}(y)\,dy$ were proved in [5]--[6].