In this paper, we point out that properties $P_{\Sigma}$ due to Wang [18] and strongly $s$-regular due to Ganster [5] are equivalent to each other. We further study these spaces and weakly-$P_{\Sigma}$ spaces defined by the second author [15].
Keywords: $P_{\Sigma}$, weakly-$P_{\Sigma}$, strongly $s$-regular, $s^*$-regular, $s$-regular, almost-regular, regular closed, semi-open, almost-continuous, almost-open.
MSC: 54D10, 54B05 54C08
Pages: 87--93
Volume 48 , Issue 3$-$4 , 1996
Published by Društvo matematičara Srbije Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, P.O.B. 355, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: drustvomatematicara(at)yahoo.com Fax: +381 11 3036 819 ISSN 2406-0682 (Online), ISSN 0025–5165 (Print)