Quasihyponormal operators and the continuity of the approximate point
Slaviša V. Djordjević
Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space. We write $\sigma (A)$ for
the spectrum of $A\in B(H)$, $\sigma_a(A)$ and $\sigma_{ea}(A)$ for the
approximate point and the essential approximate point spectrum of
$A$. Operator $A\in B(H)$ is quasihyponormal if $\| A^*Ax\| \le \| A^2x\|$
for all $x\in H$.
In this paper we show that the approximate point spectrum $\sigma_a$ and
the essential approximate point spectrum $\sigma_{ea}$ are continuous in the
set of all quasihyponormal operators.
Keywords: Qusihyponormal operator, approximate point spectrum, essential
approximate point spectrum.